
What is New in iPhone SDK 3.2 for the iPad (part 2)

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5. Video Playback and Display Options

As of iOS 3.2, Apple has changed the way the MPMoviePlayerController class works. In previous versions, videos were always played in a full-screen player interface. The iPad now offers an enhanced movie player that can be displayed in either full-screen mode or embedded within your app's views.

The YouTube app that's included on the iPad is a perfect example of this new video functionality. In landscape orientation, videos play full-screen as usual, but in portrait orientation, videos play within the app's interface, as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6. The iPad's YouTube app showcases the MPMoviePlayerController's new embedded video playback functionality.

One of the many advantages of this embedded player feature is that it gives you the option to allow users to interact with other elements in the app while the selected video plays. The enhanced movie controller also enables developers to change videos without initiating new controllers, overlay additional views on top of the current movie, generate thumbnail images from video frames, control the playback options via code, and much more.

It's important to note that in order to provide these new capabilities and the improved playback interface, some of MPMoviePlayerController's previous API has been deprecated, replaced with new methods and properties. This was necessary in order to provide developers with more granular control over the presentation of the movie. For example, instead of the movie player controller handling the video's presentation on the screen, it now provides a view object that acts as a container for your video content, giving you much more control over the movie's overall display and playback within your app. If you're porting existing iPhone movie player code to an iPad app, you'll need to modify that code to ensure that it works properly in iOS 3.2.

Beyond the iPad's display, there's also new support for presenting content on an external monitor or projector when connected to an iPad. Using the screens method of the UIScreen class, you can program your iPad app to detect if an external display device is connected via a compatible cable. UIScreen also includes methods and properties for not only accessing the external screen's resolution, but also for configuring your app's content for proper viewing on the connected device. But this feature isn't limited to mirroring your iPad's screen. You can also project any additional view onto the external display by assigning it to that screen object. This will prove to be a very valuable feature for iPad developers building business and media apps that need to present content on a desktop computer monitor, a projector screen, or even a TV.

6. Split View Controller

After popovers, the new split view controller is the second most distinctive feature that distinguishes iPad apps from their iPhone siblings. Navigating back and forth between various views is a good solution for the small iPhone screen, but on the much larger iPad display, that interface mechanism is no longer necessary. To make efficient use of the iPad's extra screen real estate, while also helping developers migrate existing iPhone navigation systems to the tablet, Apple introduced a new view controller called the UISplitViewController.

True to its name, a split view controller contains two panes: master and detail. The master pane typically holds the navigation or primary table view for the app. Within the master pane, users can make selections. If a chosen item requires a display, then its data is loaded into the detail pane. For example, in a note-taking app, the master pane would list all of the user's saved notes. Selecting a note would open it in the detail pane, where it could be read and edited by the user.

The master pane is fixed at 320 pixels wide, while the detail pane consumes the remaining width of the window. Notice the recurring 320-pixel width? Just like the default width of popovers, this was a strategic design decision by Apple to make the conversion of iPhone apps into iPad apps as painless as possible. A navigation bar from an iPhone app could be repurposed for use within the master pane of a split view-based iPad app.

In landscape orientation, the master pane is located on the left side, and the detail pane is on the right side of the screen, as shown in Figure 7. See how the detail pane includes a toolbar at the top of the view to match the toolbar or navigation bar in the master pane? Not only does the consistency provide a visually pleasing and balanced interface design, but this layout also reinforces Apple's push for consolidating an iPad app's primary buttons into a top-aligned toolbar.

Figure 7. The two-pane layout of a split view controller in landscape orientation

Beyond aesthetics, the detail pane's toolbar serves another important purpose for the split view controller. To help preserve your interface design within the detail pane, rotating the tablet to the portrait orientation allows the detail pane to use the entire screen. In order to keep the master pane accessible to users, the split view controller automatically adds a UIBarButtonItem to the left side of the detail pane's toolbar. Tap that button, and a popover displays the master pane's view, as shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8. When a split view-based app is in portrait orientation, the contents of the master pane are accessible by tapping its toolbar button to reveal a popover.

Since the detail pane usually represents the detailed data of the item selected, the master pane should reflect the current selection. So if it's a table view row, then your code should ensure the selection remains persistent. In a simple notes app, for example, if the user is viewing a specific note in the detail pane, the master pane could visually indicate the current selection by maintaining a highlighted or checked table view row of that listed note.

Although the split view controller handles much of its functionality for you, there are some essential implementation details worth learning in order to customize it for use with your own interface needs.

7. Modal Presentation Styles

As an iPhone developer, you're already familiar with how to make a UIViewController modal, which prevents the user from returning to the parent window until the modal view is closed. A modal view is a great solution when you need to present a much more sophisticated layout than what's possible in a limited UIAlertView.

On the iPhone, a modal view fills the entire screen, which is perfectly fine with only 320 by 480 pixels. But on an iPad, there's considerably more display space, so you may not always want a modal view that stretches the full 1024 by 768 pixels. To accommodate the larger surface area, Apple has introduced four new modal style options, which can be assigned to a new UIViewController class property called modalPresentationStyle. As on the iPhone, you still call a modal view via presentModalViewController, but before doing so, you simply assign one of the new style options to the view controller's modalPresentationStyle property.

For example, let's say your code already has an instance of UIViewController named myController. You could assign a modal style to it before presenting it on the screen, like this:

myController.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationFormSheet;
[self presentModalViewController:myController animated:YES];

As you can see from that code snippet, one of the new style options is UIModalPresentationFormSheet, which has a fixed size of 540 pixels wide by 620 pixels tall. Being smaller than the iPad's window, it is displayed in the center of the screen, with the parent view dimmed gray behind it, as shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9. The UIModalPresentationFormSheet style is centered on the screen with a fixed 540-by- 620 size.

The next option is UIModalPresentationPageSheet, which assumes the current height of the screen and a fixed width of 768 pixels. This means that in portrait orientation, it appears to fill the entire screen, but in landscape orientation, the dimmed gray parent view can be seen in the background on both sides, as shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10. UIModalPresentationPageSheet has a fixed 768-pixel width, but spans the full screen height.

If you do need the modal view to utilize the entire screen, you can set the modalPresentationStyle property to UIModalPresentationFullScreen. But what do you do when the rare need arises to display a modal view within a popover or one of the split view panes? That's where UIModalPresentationCurrentContext comes to the rescue, presenting the modal view in the same size as the parent view that called it. For example, a UIModalPresentationCurrentContext-assigned modal view shown within a popover would use the same width and height dimensions as the popover.

Even though tapping outside a popover will automatically dismiss it, that won't work with modal views. Just like its counterpart on the iPhone, a modal view needs to be programmatically closed on the iPad. This can be achieved by including a Done button (as shown in Figures 9 and 10) or by designating this task to some other user interaction within the modal view.

8. Advanced Input Methods

iOS 3.2 also includes a new set of custom input methods that developers can use in their apps: edit menu actions, keyboard layouts, and gesture recognizers.

8.1. Edit Menu Actions

Depending on the object you tap and hold your finger on, the small, black edit menu that appears on the screen will display one or more of the default menu actions, such as Copy, Cut, Paste, Select, Select All, and Delete. Now, with access to the UIMenuController, you can insert your own custom actions into the edit menu for a specific object.

A custom menu action consists of a UIMenuItem with a title property and an action selector. You then assign your UIMenuItem to the UIMenuController of the appropriate object type. In order to facilitate the target action behavior, you also need to identify a target for your new menu item by setting the applicable view as the first responder for that action. The last step is to write the actual action method for handling that task if the user selects it.

For example, if you wanted to add a custom menu item for a thesaurus when a text word is selected, you could create a new UIMenuItem instance with the title Thesaurus that points to an action selector thesaurusLookup. Add that UIMenuItem to the UIMenuController assigned to that text object, and your custom ThesaurusCopy, Cut, and Paste options in the edit menu. The assigned target would be the parent view of that text object. The parent view controller's source code would need to include your action method, thesaurusLookup, so that when a user selects that menu item, your app knows how to respond. menu item will appear along with the default

When you add custom items, keep their menu titles short, with no more than one or two words per item. To prevent users from being overwhelmed, try not to add too many additional items to an edit menu. If you need to provide several options to the user, you should consider presenting them in a popover action sheet instead.

Eager to add custom menu items (such as the one shown in Figure 11) to your own iPad apps?

Figure 11. Daniel Alm and Thomas Osthege used custom edit menu items and keyboard layouts in their PocketCAS graphics calculator iPad app. Alongside the standard edit menu commands is a custom Insert Matrix menu item.

8.2. Keyboard Layouts

Did you notice the unique keyboard in Figure 11? No, it's not an interface trick. No longer limited to only the standard keyboard, you now have a way to present your own keyboard layout, which is nothing more than a custom view. To replace the system keyboard, you assign the view to the inputView property of a UITextField, a UITextView, or any compatible responder object.

Since users are already familiar with the system keyboard, don't stray too far from the default design when creating your own custom keyboard. Make sure the buttons appear tappable and automatically size to display well in both portrait and landscape orientations. The background of your view should extend to the full width of the screen. The height is flexible, but Apple recommends sticking with the same height as the system keyboard for consistency when possible. As an example, the PocketCAS app shown in Figure 11 does a nice job of emulating the look and feel of Apple's virtual keyboard design, which reduces the learning curve for first-time users.

If you need to insert only a few additional buttons to the existing system keyboard, another option is to add a keyboard extension, called an input accessory view. If you've ever filled out a web form in Mobile Safari, you may have noticed the extra translucent black toolbar that runs across the top of the keyboard, as shown in Figure 12. As with a custom keyboard, this is accomplished by creating a view that contains the additional interface elements you want displayed above the keyboard. Whereas a keyboard replacement uses inputView, your input accessory view should be assigned to the inputAccessoryView property instead.

Figure 12. When filling out a web form in Mobile Safari, the keyboard includes an input accessory view, which is a toolbar-like interface added to the top of the keyboard.

8.3. Gesture Recognizers

The user interface components in the UIKit framework include handling for basic touch events, such as tapping a UIButton, but what if you need to add event handling for specific touch behavior to a custom view or object? To help simplify what was previously a laborious task, Apple has provided iPad developers with a new UIGestureRecognizer class for easily detecting touch gestures. UIKit includes six common gesture recognizers, which are subclasses of UIGestureRecognizer:

  • UITapGestureRecognizer: Finger taps.

  • UILongPressGestureRecognizer: Holding a finger down on one spot.

  • UIPinchGestureRegnizer: Pinching fingers in and out.

  • UIPanGestureRecognizer: Dragging a finger.

  • UISwipeGestureRecognizer: A quick finger swipe.

  • UIRotationGestureRecognizer: Rotating two fingers in opposite directions.

To add a gesture recognizer to a view, you first create a new instance of one of the six UIGestureRecognizer subclasses. Like a custom edit menu, an action selector is assigned to the gesture recognizer instance. This informs the view which method to call when the user performs that gesture. Some gesture recognizers have configurable attributes, such as numberOfTapsRequired, which sets the number of taps for a UITapGestureRecognizer. In order to give the gesture recognizer a target, it needs to be attached to the view by calling the addGestureRecognizer method.

If you do use one of the standard six gesture recognizers in your app, it's important to use it for an action that users associate with that gesture. For example, people know that finger pinching is typically used for zooming in and out of an image. If your app uses that UIPinchGestureRecognizer for deleting files, the unorthodox use of that gesture will only lead to confusion (and possibly even rejection from the App Store).

If you need a unique gesture recognizer, you can create your own subclass of UIGestureRecognizer and override all of its methods (such as touchesBegan, touchesMoved, touchesEnded, touchesCancelled, and reset) with your desired functionality. The drawback to implementing support for custom gestures is that they are unknown touch commands. It becomes your app's responsibility to properly educate users on how to use the new gestures. Unless you have a compelling reason to go this route, sticking with the well-known, common gestures is usually the best approach.

9. Document Support

The iOS does a good job of hiding the underlying filesystem, so that users can focus on creating and consuming content. But the iPad's larger screen encourages greater productivity, so situations arise where users will want to control how some files are opened and shared between apps.

In the past, this was always tricky due to how each app was limited to its own "sandbox" directory, but with iOS 3.2, Apple introduced a new file-handling mechanism called Document Support. Apple's built-in Mail app is a good example of this new feature. If an e-mail contains a file attachment, it's displayed as a file icon at the bottom of the message. If you currently have an installed app that has registered itself with iOS as the "owner" of that file format, the e-mail attachment's file icon will reflect that app's icon. For example, if the e-mail attachment is a Microsoft Word document and you have Apple's Pages installed on your iPad, the file icon may look like the Pages app icon. As expected, if you tap the file, it will open in Pages. Since both Mail and Pages are Apple apps running on an Apple tablet, this comes as no surprise.

But the real beauty of Document Support is the power it provides to developers. It also allows a user to open that e-mail attachment in any other registered app that supports that file type! If you hold your finger on the e-mail attachment icon, a popover will appear with a few options. One option, of course, is to open the file in its owner app. In the case of the Word document, that option might be Open in Pages. But one of the other options is Open In.... Selecting Open In... replaces that popover with a new popover, listing all of the registered apps that can open Word documents. I happen to have the excellent app, GoodReader, installed on my iPad, which also supports Word files, so it's listed alongside Pages in that Open In... popover, as shown in Figure 13.

Figure 13. Document Support enables the Mail app to suggest opening an e-mail attachment in other registered apps that are capable of opening that file type.

If I select GoodReader from the list, the Word document not only opens in GoodReader, but a copy of the file is also stored in GoodReader's file directory, accessible to me any time I run GoodReader. This is a safe and sanctioned way to transfer a file from one app to another, without sacrificing the security of an app's sandbox.

So how does this all work? There are actually two factors that make this functionality possible: the sender app and the receiver app, both of which require different development steps. In Figure 3-13, the Mail app is the sender app, and Pages and GoodReader are receiver apps.

In order for your app to send a file to another app (as Mail does), you need to use the UIDocumentInteractionController class. A document interaction controller communicates with the iOS to see if the selected file can be previewed by the system and if any other installed apps are registered to open that file format (the Open In... popover list).

If you want your app to act as a receiver, it needs to notify the iOS registry of the specific file types that it can open. This is done by including each supported file type in the CFBundleDocumentTypes key of your app's Info.plist file. Each file type declaration consists of four attributes: name, the related uniform type identifier (UTI), handler rank, and file image icon. The handler rank informs the system whether your app is the owner of the file type (such as your own proprietary file format) or is simply capable of opening that kind of file. The image icon is optional for file type owners (which will be discussed later in the section "Required Project Resources for iPad Apps").

If your app is registered with iOS as supporting a particular file type, then it will need to be able to field requests to open related files upon app launch. If another app, such as Mail, uses a document interaction controller for that file type and a user selects your app from the Open In... list, your app needs to be ready to handle that request, which is delivered to the application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method in your application delegate. The request arrives with an options dictionary that includes important information about the file your app needs to open, such as the file's location, the sender app's bundle identifier, and an annotations property list object that contains additional data about the file.

If your iPad app opens and saves files, you really should take advantage of the new Document Support feature. It provides greater flexibility for your app's offerings and better interoperability with other installed apps.

10. Universal Applications

Even though most iPhone apps will run on the iPad, their smaller dimensions appear rather pixelized and inferior to native iPad apps. But some developers may not want to maintain two separate Xcode projects for essentially the same product in order to properly support both platforms. To solve this problem, iPhone SDK 3.2 introduced a new universal application format that runs on both iPhone and iPad devices. Depending on the device running the universal application, the appropriate version of the app is launched. This way, you can maintain one Xcode project with shared source code, but design separate user interfaces specifically tailored for each platform. For example, your iPhone app may use a navigation controller for organizing content, yet on an iPad, you would most likely want to display a split view controller instead. Both versions use the same data, but present it in different ways that best suit the chosen device.

For developers targeting both platforms, Apple highly recommends building universal applications. Managing and updating only one application in the App Store makes it much easier for customers who use your app on both their iPhone and iPad. But if your iPad version is radically different from your iPhone app, with dozens of new features that require a fairly hefty code rewrite, a universal application may not be the ideal choice. If the two versions don't share much in the way of code, it may make more sense to build them as two stand-alone products: one for the iPhone and one for the iPad. There are also business and marketing factors that come into play as well, which we'll explore in the upcoming "To Be or Not to Be Universal" section. If you do make the decision to distribute your product as a universal application, it requires some extra planning and effort on your part.

10.1. Universal App Requirements

The first minor hurdle for universal app development is orientation. With the iPhone's small screen, providing an efficient user interface design often requires a dedicated orientation, such as a portrait-only app. That's perfectly acceptable on the iPhone, but the iPad's larger display allows more of your interface elements to be consolidated into a single window, providing enough screen space in both portrait and landscape views. In fact, Apple insists that iPad apps should support all orientations. If your iPhone app is locked into a single orientation, you'll need to configure your universal app project to accommodate multiple orientations when displaying your iPad version's user interface.

So how does the app differentiate between your iPhone code and your iPad code? This is where we encounter the next hurdle in developing universal applications. Not only does your app need to detect the current platform and run the appropriate code, but when compiling your project in Xcode, you'll need to properly "wrap" your iPad code to prevent compiler errors. Remember that in producing a universal application, the iPad features exclusive to iPhone SDK 3.2 will cause compiler errors when Xcode is building the iPhone portion of the app, so you'll need to use conditional coding to prevent that from happening.

Although you may be tempted to simply check the user's device type or operating system version, with Apple constantly releasing new devices and iOS versions, that's not the way to go. A better approach is to test for the availability of exclusive iPad classes using NSClassFromString. If you pass an iPad-only class name, such as UISplitViewController to NSClassString and a valid object is returned, you'll know the user's device is an iPad. If nil is returned, then that iPad class doesn't exist, so the user's device is an iPhone or iPod touch.

For new iPad functions that have been added to existing frameworks, checking the class name's existence will not be effective. In those cases, you can compare a specific function name with NULL. If an iPad-only function is equal to NULL, then the user's device is not an iPad.

You'll also need to perform similar code checks if your app utilizes hardware features that are available on only one of the platforms, such as the iPhone's camera. And don't forget your .xib interface files and images that are uniquely designed for a specific screen size. Since your iPad app may require a different interface and graphics than your iPhone app, your view controller classes will need to be programmed to load the correct resources.

All of this talk about conditional coding may sound like a lot of work, and truthfully, it is fairly time-consuming to implement at first. But your efforts will prove worthwhile when working on future updates of your app. Adding new features to a single Xcode project that shares common code between the two platforms is much more time-efficient than needing to add the same code to separate projects.

10.2. To Be or Not to Be Universal

From a development standpoint, there are many advantages to creating a universal application, but is it the right choice for you? If your app is free, then your goal is to provide the most convenient, user-friendly access to it. A universal application makes it easy for users to download your app across all of their Apple mobile devices. But paid apps are a different story. Putting aside the technical benefits for a moment, let's look at the business factors involved.

If your iPad app represents an enhanced edition, offering dozens of exclusive new features that are not available in your iPhone version, it may make more sense to release it as a separate, stand-alone iPad app. As a universal application, existing owners of your iPhone app will be able to access the iPad version for free, since there's no official upgrade mechanism supported in universal applications. By selling the iPad app as a separate product, you have the opportunity to recoup your development costs. And if it provides additional value above and beyond your iPhone edition, then most customers won't have a problem with paying for it, even after they've already purchased the iPhone version. I say "most" because there will always be a select few users protesting that they should receive all app versions for all applicable Apple devices for free. Ironically, the loudest complaints usually come from people who paid only 99 cents for your original iPhone app. But don't cut off a potential revenue stream that could help support your continued development just because you're worried about keeping everyone happy. Here's a little secret: It's not possible to please everyone. Just build the best features and user experience possible. If you provide your customers with additional value, most of them will be more than happy to pay for the enhanced iPad version.

On the other hand, if your iPad app does not offer anything new beyond an iPad-optimized interface slapped on top of the same iPhone feature set, you may want to consider a universal application. If you can't justify the iPad app price with additional iPad-exclusive functionality, selling it as a separate product will definitely attract an angry mob of customers, wielding pitchforks and writing negative App Store reviews! And Apple may just agree with them. Apple has been known to reject stand-alone iPad apps that don't add any significant value beyond what's available from their iPhone counterparts. In these situations, Apple usually advises the developer to convert it into a universal application before resubmitting it to the App Store.

Another major issue to consider is the file size of your app. A universal application combines the incremental code and separate .xib files and image resources for both the iPhone and iPad versions into one package, which means it can often be nearly double the file size of a single platform app. Although Apple recently raised the cellular 3G download limit from 10MB to 20MB to help accommodate universal applications, some content-heavy apps such as games may still exceed that file size. If your universal application is larger than 20MB, that drastically reduces your app's potential audience to only people within Wi-Fi range. Whether your app is free or a paid product, this factor alone may force you to release separate iPhone and iPad versions to ensure that your app can be downloaded by both Wi-Fi and cellular 3G connections.

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